General Donations

Tax ID# 95-4066979
While City and State funding is continually being trimmed, the needs we are meeting are ever-growing. We gladly accept and appreciate private, foundation and corporate gifts. This form will allow you to make a tax-deductible donation.
Your Donation Supports:
Bathing Service for Frail Older Adult
Shower Grab Bar Installation
Session of in-home support
Month of Homebound Meals
Month of Meals & Weekend Meals For a Senior Couple
10 Sessions of Housekeeping for Frail Older Adults
You may also donate by calling us at (818) 708-4756 or by sending a check by U.S. Mail to the following address:
Attn: Fund Development
17400 Victory Boulevard
Van Nuys, CA 91406
Other Ways You Can Give:
A Donor-Advised Fund, or DAF, is an account where you can deposit assets for donation to charity over time.
The donor receives a tax deduction for contributing to the donor-advised fund. A sponsoring organization manages the account; the donor recommends how to invest the assets and where to donate them.
Steps to starting a donor-advised fund.
- Donor selects a sponsoring organization.
- The donor names the account, its successors and beneficiaries.
- The donor makes an irrevocable contribution into the account.
- The donor receives the maximum tax deduction.
- The donor recommends grants to charities.
Clients of sponsoring organizations Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, and BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund can use the DAF Direct Window on this page to recommend grants.
Donor-Advised Fund grants to ONEgeneration can be designated to support our services in one of two ways:
- Towards general operating expenses
- Towards one of the following specific services: Intergenerational Programing, Homebound Meals, Senior Enrichment Center, Grandparents As Parents, Childcare, Food Pantry, Transportation, Caregiver Support, Care Management, Volunteer Program or Encino Farmers Market.
ONEgeneration’s tax ID #95-4066979
Questions? Call 818-708-4756
Disclaimer: As with any investment plan, please consult with your attorney, CPA and financial advisor before setting up such a plan and discussing with them, which vehicles will serve, you best. Potential fees for account management, investment and advisor.
Estate Planning offers many ways in which you can support ONEgeneration while also gaining tax benefits and avoiding capital gains taxes. With certain types of trusts, you may be able to increase your current income while supporting your favorite non-profit. Types of Planned Giving vehicles include (but are not limited to):
- Gifts of Life Insurance
- Charitable Gift Annuities
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
As with any investment plan, you should speak to your attorney, CPA, and financial advisor before setting up such a plan and discussing with them which vehicles will serve you best.
If you are interested in any of these methods of giving, especially those dealing with any legalities, please consult your accountant and/or attorney, then call (818) 708-4756 or email [email protected].
Sending Help And Real Essentials
“Adopt a Senior” and help them receive much needed household items
Several years ago, the SHARE project was established for individuals to give back to another in need in their own community. Sometimes these needs are as basic as a can opener, a fan or toilet paper. Donors’ generosity in the past has led to frail home-bound seniors receiving new wheelchairs, hospital-style beds and refrigerators.
Please email the link below if you are interested in adopting a senior or family this summer or during the holiday season. You will receive a profile for your specific family or individual in need. The profile will provide a brief history of the individual as well as a list of their needs and suggestions for a few items that would lift their spirits. We call these items “luxury items”, for example yarn for a senior who loves to knit or a new mystery book for a senior unable to get out to the library where she worked for 40 years.
If you or someone you know would be interested in personally giving to a senior or family this year, join the SHARE project in helping someone less fortunate within your own community. If interested please email, [email protected].
Help support ONEgeneration by shopping at your favorite grocery store (once designated) you earn your rewards and we receive donations from the store. If you shop at Ralphs, enroll your rewards card at (ONEgeneration ID# 92149).
To donate call 1-855-500-RIDE (7433). Call 7 days a week and someone will help you with free pick up! All vehicles are welcome: cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, trailers and more. Simply mention ONEgeneration.
Or click here for more information
Remembering ONEgeneration in your estate plan is one of the most caring and important actions that you can take. Your gift will be used in the program area you indicate and thousands of individuals will benefit from your generosity. This year we received a generous bequest from a woman who remembered us in her will; she had been a client of ONEgeneration since 1986. Her bequest ensures that other individuals will continue to benefit from our services – just as she did.