Be Active, Enrich Your Life

Now that you have the time, you owe it to yourself to make the most of it. At the ONEgeneration Senior Enrichment Center (OSEC) you’ll find other mature adults with a youthful enthusiasm for living, sharing, and experiencing new rewards each and every day!
We offer a variety of programs and services specifically designed to empower and enrich our seniors while enhancing the quality of their everyday life.

Join Programs Such As:
Exercise Classes
- Body Conditioning
- Chair Exercise
- Yoga
- Arthritis/Balance
- Table Tennis
- Chair exercise program or our unique, “Be Fit While You Sit” program (for those with activity restrictions)
- Exercise through dance, including: Tap, Jazz, Zumba, Country Line and Folk Dancing
Other Classes
- Spanish (Beginners and Advanced)
- Nutrition
- Discussion and Support Groups
- Improv Acting
- Board games, Scrabble
Services Include:
- Daily lunch weekdays in the Dining Center, congregate lunches are available at no cost, we appreciate a $3.00 contribution per meal ** See contribution statement at the bottom of the page.
- Free legal assistance
- Advocacy assistance
- Income tax services
- Mental health assistance, counseling, and support groups
- Transportation assistance

More About ONEgeneration Senior Enrichment Center (OSEC)
Our Hours: 8:30 AM to 5 PM
There is a $15.00 annual contribution* to help support the operations and programs at the center. A portion of the senior center funding for programs comes from the City of Los Angeles Department of Aging.
*Annual Contribution is a suggested contribution. See our contribution statement at the bottom of the page. We appreciate the continuous support of your local senior center.
For a list of our Classes, Hot Dates and Friday movies please click the button below:
For more information regarding this program or to join the mailing list feel free to email: [email protected]
Hunger Benefits and Housing Resources
In an effort to address the rising affordable housing and homelessness crisis in LA County, ONEgeneration Senior Enrichment Center offers a Hunger Benefits and Housing Support for individuals in the community who are at risk of homelessness or currently experiencing homelessness. Partnerships with local Community Based Organizations and City of LA/County of LA services, ONEgeneration continues to expand upon and enhance all programming to best serve and meet the needs of those who are at highest risk of homelessness.
If you are looking for resources related to housing for older adults or CalFresh benefit eligibility please email [email protected] or call our social services intake line at (818)-708-6617
OSEC Advisory Council Wants You!
If you would like to become more involved with the programs and events at OSEC, joining our Advisory Council might be just the option you are looking for. The Advisory Council meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 10am in the Community Room, unless otherwise noted. Please contact the main office for more information at 818-705-2345. We hope to see you there!

** Contribution Statement: There is no obligation to contribute, and any contribution is purely voluntary. Services will continue to be made available to you whether you make a contribution. Your privacy and confidentiality will be protected with respect to our choice to contribute or not to contribute. Procedures are in place to safeguard and account for any contributions made. All collected contributions are used to support the service program for which you are contributing.
Methods used to solicit voluntary contributions shall be non-coercive and contributions must be used to expand the service for which the payment or contribution were given, and supplement (not supplant) funds received under the OAA.